PROJECT'S IDEA | RU | NL | IT | LV | |||
Thank you very much for presentation of your energetic work crossing various countries... By skimming your webpage, we were able to catch the philosophy of your project... Finally, please note that, according to the result of the evaluation, UNESCO would be able to offer moral and practical support to your project. Tereza Wagner,
NON-LINEAR NOVEL-ACTION "INNOCENT MARPL PROJECT" Hallucinations of "historical" Marpl find unexpected confirmation in a number of ancient texts and scores, dated approximately from late Renaissance and telling of legendary life of rural fiddler named Innocent Marpl who at least in literary and musical senses turns out to be not less real than composer Marpl from the XIX century. The myth is looped. It is the conflict of realities of the two Marpls and also their (or his?) never ending antagonism with dark forces where main idea of the present project is based on. Apart from literary and musical elements the project includes ethnological, historical-philosophical, dramaturgic and visual aspects. Undoubtedly, the point of the project is not only to create with the aforementioned means a certain close-to-real character reflecting with symbolic force the enchanting nature of the creators but in accordance with the set course of the myth to restore its initial arrangement as a universal mutual reflection when every object or action is involved into other objects or actions and every portrayal of a person becomes his or her legitimate part, one of the forms of her or his being.